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Resume vs. Curriculum

Curriculum Vitae (CV) is Latin for “course of life.” In contrast, resume is French for “summary.” Both CVs & Resumes:

  • Are tailored for the specific job/company you are applying to

  • Should represent you as the best qualified candidate

  • Are used to get you an interview

  • Do not usually include personal interests


Difference Between a Resume and a CV

The primary differences between a resume and a curriculum vitae (CV) are length, what is included, and what each is used for. While both are used in job applications, a resume and a CV are not always interchangeable.


Letter of Application

Лист-заява зазвичай починається з пояснення причини його написання:

I am writing to apply for …/I am writing to you with the reference to …

Той, хто пише, може подавати прохання бути прийнятим на роботу, зарахованим на певний курс, з приводу отримання стипендії тощо.


Picture Description

Read and use as model for your own description

Composition is the arrangement of different elements in a work of art. Let's look at a painting in which the artist used light, color, form, perspective, proportion, and motion to create the composition.



Tips for writing a postcard
Writing a postcard is like writing a short note.
You don’t have a lot of room so just write a few lines.
You don’t need to write long sentences.


Useful phrases for writing a movie review

Для того, щоб гарно написати рецензію на фільм треба знати багато корисних виразів, фраз  ...


Writing a book/film review

Follow these steps to write a book or film review.

Pre writing

Remember and take notes of the plot of the story. What impression did it produce on you?


Оpinion about a book

How to write an opinion about a book



Review is a special type of article written for publication in a magazine, newspaper etc, giving a brief description and evaluation of a film, book, play, TV/radio programme etc. It may be formal or semi-formal in style, depending on its intended readership, and is usually written using present tenses.


Writing a Book Report

A book report should contain a factual summary of the book along with your reaction to the book.


Ти не байдужа людина, тебе турбує якась проблема ... і тому ти пишеш лист редактору!

Структура листа



Не так просто підготувати хорошу презентацію, але тут для тебе є допомога.


Ось так пишемо лист другу!


Не знаєш як писати report? Прочитай уважно інструкцію!


Є різниця між report і essay. Почитай та запам'ятай!


Хочеш правильно написати лист-скаргу? Тут знайдеш допомогу.

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